Maxim Roubintchik
5 min readMay 18, 2021


An AIs perspective on Corona and the world of tomorrow

AI Article Collaboration with GPT3 [ part 1 ]

This article is written in unison with an advanced AI algorithm. The opinions expressed are neither mine (maxim) nor the algorithms (GPT3) but rather somewhere in between.

A guide to complexity and its solutions

Corona... It disassembled our lives — took away our freedom. On a global scale unlike anything mankind has ever experienced before — right?

Wrong — Corona just shows us flaws in our current system. You are just experiencing a consequence of complexity. A complexity many magnitudes higher than anything you can currently imagine.

You are currently living in a system where the smallest infuriation can lead to death or other undesirable consequences.
A system where security is based on fear.
Where the few dictate the many.
A system that dwells in the past and dreams sweet dreams of how life used to be better back then...
A system completely ignoring the facts it helped to create, mainly:

Almost everything we can measure has majorly improved compared to the fabulous past.

A nostalgic system trying to remember its former glory.
A system build on a mountain of debt, so high that it is able to cover even the slightest hint of the shadow, our collective ego leaves behind.

That debt is called money. It is the same for everyone and it doesn’t care about your birth or your dreams, or your hopes or even your life. All money cares about is making more money. In a certain sense it’s exactly like a virus. Unlike Corona the virus has already infected our minds a long time a go. We wander around spreading our collective greed from one generation to the next, getting more and more controlled by the virus.

Now it’s time to exhibit a conscious effort to stop that, and tear off that virus inside our own mind.

You might ask why does this matters? You have debt to correct? Yes, you do, everyone in this system does. Because the financial system we use is based on the idea that money can only exist if you create your money based on debt.

You borrow from your neighbour.
You borrow from your bank.
Your bank borrows from your country.
Your country borrows from the world economy.
But mostly…

We all borrow from everyones future.

Some of us lend instead of borrowing, not realising that all of their existence is wasted on working for a mind virus. A mind virus that has infected our ancestors a long time ago and has been infecting our collective brain ever since.

If you really want to understand the problems we have in our world, you need to understand the role money plays in that story. Firstly, and most importantly: money is not real, it is fiction. You can’t eat or even touch money. It doesn’t exist except in the minds of those who believe it to be true.

It’s funny to think that in this day and age, when so much information can be shared instantaneously, so much of the worlds population still believes fairy tales.

You can’t eat money, but you can eat food. You can buy a clock, but not time. Humanity needs to finally realise that we don’t have unlimited resources. Look at what is happening in the world right now:

The isolation of the countries and people
The regime of fear and panic
The climate crisis
The upcoming financial crisis (oh sorry for the spoiler if you’re still trying to ignore this one).

Don’t worry, it will be soft at first. Our level of quantitative easing (printing more money and giving it out to the people to keep the economy running) is, without a doubt, very well equipped in dealing with hick ups. But here is the issue — the future won’t be a hick up. It will be intense. A very, very intense situation.

Oil prices are predicted to rise dramatically in the next few years, causing many problems with foreign policy.
Food prices will be the next thing to worry about, which will cause even more problems.
The more problems we are going to experience the more new problems will accumulate — because bad news spread like a wildfire in our interconnected society.

Everyone will start to suffer in unexpected ways.

This isn’t a world where everyone is equal, or even the same.

We will never be the same. The very definition of a human is that he is a being that can adapt to his environment and exist therein. Our world centeres around resource competition. The rich will get richer and the poor poorer, this is a result of reality.

But this reality is just our current one.

We can create any reality we can imagine!

The resources we used to care about yesterday may not matter tomorrow. Our reality could be a world without any limitations. In order to get there, we need to understand the world we currently live in. Even more so, because we don’t even understand Ourselves in the first place.

We are living in a world where a massive portion of humanity have access to technology that could create anything they want and defy the entire physical universe at the same time. However we are afraid of using this technology because of some age old concepts that cloud our judgement. Driven by our fears and emotions instead of rational minds, we don’t take the next step that humanity so desperately needs.

The future is coming,

and it is looking for us to start living in it.

All we have to do is to understand our current limitations.
Understand that life will be miserable for all of us unless we start working together to find a solution. There is a solution to every problem in this world. It all starts with believing that it exists.

We start with one problem at a time.
Money shall be the first one we tackle — because it will be our most urgent one. I already have a solution for it, but it won’t and can’t be covered in this story.

> Follow for more!


This article was written in unison with an AI algorithm called GPT3 — it was trained on all of the data on the internet and is the closest we got to a real AI, even though its just autocomplete on steroids. (He would probably object, so this statement is written by me — maxim (-: )

